The idea is to have 2 people pair programming in front of a group, with the group kibitzing. Techniques are discussed only in the context of code and programming is the path to learning in the coding dojo. I'm introducing people, here, to functional programming concepts. Here is the "kata" we used, today:
Kata: Person
Learning about "selector functions"
1. Write a "person" function, person(name, address, gender):
2. Write person() without using comparisons or control structures
- it returns a "person"; something which can be used to retrieve the values
- you man not create a new array, object, or string
- you may use comparisons and control structures (if, for, while, switch, etc.)
Shortly, we'll be moving on to lists and this kata will form a foundation for that. This "person" isn't too much different from a cons-cell.
We're doing this at lunch, right now. If it works out, I'll move it to evenings and invite people.